Since October 2018 Leif Cropp is working with the Mannheim-based MVV Energie Group. He started as CEO of BFE Institut für Energie- und Umwelt GmbH and since January 2021 as CEO of MVV ImmoSolutions GmbH, Berlin. In addition, he leads the sales unit within MVV Enamic GmbH, the company that is focusing on B2B energy solutions in Germany.
The basics in leadership and the craftsmanship of sales Leif Cropp got to know during various positions with the E.ON Group:
as account manager, executive assistant to board members, procurement director in Romania, as sales performance controller in corporate headquarters and by founding an European-wide operating unit for distributed energy.
He is excited by the topic of leadership from a practical perspective in day to day work. Inspiring and solid leadership is a crucial competitive advantage.